Marine Sensing and Underwater Acoustic Technologies
There is an increasing number of maritime activities which require monitoring of radiated noise. Construction and maintainance of maritime infrastructures may involve piling, dredging, blasting, or intensive ship maneuvers. Other situations where underwater noise may be an issue to be addressed are the construction and exploration of offhore renewable energy (wind and wave farms), aquaculture instalations, zones of intensive shipping, just to mention a few.
MarSensing can set up an adequate acoustic monitoring plan tailored for a specific problem. Underwater noise monitoring may consist of noise recordings at multiple positions in the area of impact, or fixed positions over longer periods. Noise recordings may be carried out simultaneaously at multiple positions, with increasing distance from the noise source, or with varying azimuth due to dependence of the propagation on the bathymetry and other environmental properties. This can be efficiently accomplished with the aid of our autonomous digital recorders.
The equipment owned by MarSensing covers the frequency ranges up to 96 kHz. The autonomous recorders cover the frequency ranges up to 50 kHz. These frequency ranges cover most man-made noise.